• 所属频道:校园相关PPT
  • 更新时间:2022-09-12
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:会员免费
  • 文件大小:3.15 MB
  • 显示比例:宽屏16:9
  • 附件类型:.rar


PPT模板封面,使用了卡通风格绘制的蓝天白云、草地、向日葵,和身穿红裙子正在放风筝的女生背景图。中间填写SUMMER HOLIDAYS PPT标题。界面风格清新愉悦。



1.My Life

In the summer vacation, I learned from my mother to do housework, cook, wash and cut vegetables.

I like sports, because it can not only strengthen my body, but also make me know many friends!

My parents took me to visit my grandparents and grandparents.

During the summer vacation, I went to the library to study and watch movies with my good friends.

2.My Study

In this summer vacation, I seriously finished all the homework assigned by the teacher.

In reading, I can find a big truth from a small story. Reading gives me endless fun. I can also find good words and sentences from the story and inspiration in daily life.

When writing calligraphy, my heart must calm down. I believe I can write good calligraphy in the future.

3.My Amusements

I Went To The Playground With My Parents

I took a merry go round and played with bumper cars. There is also a clown in the playground, red nose, big mouth, holding a lot of balloons and greeting us!

My parents took me swimming at the seaside.

My parents also took me to Jiangmen to play. There I saw a fisherman carved with stone. I was still wondering if it was Mazu, the God of the sea?.

4.My Gains

This summer vacation, I have been tempered by life through labor, happy in entertainment and improved in study.

I also learned to play chess and joined the chess club. Every time I play chess, I am the "general" who always wins among my peers. Even so, sometimes we sometimes lose one or two games.

With the help of my mother, I learned to make plans. I also deeply realized that to do a good job, we can’t start blindly. Only by starting step by step according to the plan can we do better and combine work and rest.

This summer vacation, I also went to a lot of places, saw a lot of scenery and saw a lot of local customs.

关键词:SUMMER HOLIDAYS PowerPoint,卡通英文版我的暑假生活PPT模板免费下载,.PPTX格式;


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